Of course...
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Oops. Didn't mean to be anonymous. Lol. Somebody sent the exact same thing to me.
I don't know who that is or wtf they are talking about but they need help.
Im Putting It On Every One's Formspring. All Over Actually. Because Im Definately Sure She Follows You. I Put One In Hers To. So No Sweat. Im Done Here.
Oh okay, well, good luck in life... Hope you find some better people to be around..
Im Not Talking About You, So There's No Need To.
Okay, good. But still, yeah blasting it on formspring probably won't get the whole word out and it's better not to play a game. How about you tell all of them to eff off and get someone better with a better friend. I could even be your friend I guess but yeah, sorry, blasting that on formspring about some chick probably wont bother her because people who do bad stuff never realize the stuff they do when they see it.
Im Jus Telling Yu this BC I Hope She See's It &Knows She's Competing With Me In A Game She'll NEVER win. We Used To Be Friends, Then She Became A Bitch . So thanks for your formspring :)
Well, uh she probably won't see it on here because no one is going to follow this page and she won't know or care if she cant see who you are and Idk who you are and why you're putting this on my page but thank-you for saying something, I actually appreciate it.
See, Theres Dis Bitch Rite,&I Guess She Thought She Culd Get 2 Me By Kissing My Currently xBoyfriend. Wht She Didnt Know Was I Never Gave A Flying Shit About Him . So i Laughed like You Kissed My Boyfriend, But I Slept With Yours. Funny Right?
Okay, sweetie what in the world are you talking about? Please care to further explain... I have no idea what you are referring to in this situation...