Friday, June 18, 2010

I want to get a flat stomach, NOT GAIN 20 MORE POUNDS MOM!

I desperately want a flat stomach. I’d be content with the shape of my body. I just really want one. I’d fit into clothes better and you know what, I wouldn’t be asked when my baby is due if my tummy was flat. Btw, I’m abstinent and going into high school so yeah, dumb question. Not there I care about their opinion like that, it's just aggravating being hassled like that and it looks so bad.Anyways, where I’m going with this, I cant exercise because of the accident so all of my plans of trying to get a flat stomach went out the door before Summer even came. That woman changed a lot of my plans when she hit us. And you know what, it really doesn’t help with my mother stacking this house up with candy and mostly, chocolate. That fricking sucks! Can’t work out, can’t be healthy. I wanted banana chips and I can’t have them because she said 2.88 is too much. Uh, its healthy, tastes good, I want it and since when do we have money for all this candy. I’m miserable, lonely, no one to talk to this Summer, boyfriend is M.I.A., I’m gaining wait instead of losing, and my best friend is the status box on Facebook and the candy in the fridge that I’m getting sick off of because I am allergic to milk and before that I keep having this uncontrollable urge to puke and I feel sick and depressed. Uhg, I HATE SUMMER! It’s hot, boring and depressing. Why did we move to the country? There’s nothing to do!

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