Thursday, December 17, 2009

Funny Story

      I remember back at like the beginning of sixth grade my friend and i were in homeroom and she was about to give her new boyfriend her number. Back then, this was a big deal! So we took the best type of paper and had to use the BEST handwriting. Then we had to spray it with perfume. Turns out we didn't have any so we used fabreeze on it and nearly drowned the note...It was a mess but I just remembered it and thought it was funny and cute...Too bad by the middle of sixth grade we weren't friends anymore and she hates me now but OH WELL, at least we still have memories...

when i was younger iAsked a boy why do you mock gays? do you not feel comfortable about your sexuality and he cried and replied im not gay..well he screamed it at me...I calmly told him that I never said he was and walked away.he then screamed the b-word at me a minute later and turned back and a said "okay, well that's nice"...I was thinking about it because all a sudden I just the about the song Johny are you queer?
