Thursday, February 18, 2010

I am a girl, HERE ME ROAR!

Hello world. I am a girl. I have a period. I can have a baby and make another girl. I have hips. I have boobs. I have semi-curves. I have mood swings. I like boys. I like clothes. I wear make-up. I don’t wear make-up. I make up my mind. I am utterly confused. I am stubborn. I am easily influenced. I think that boy over there is hot. Now I think he’s a douche-bag. I love her hair. I hate her. I wish you would just go away. I hope you never leave me. I have mood swings. I am normal. I am a weirdo. I have hairy legs despite how many times I shave them. I have well I don’t know my hair color anymore. I have to shave my arm pits. I don’t feel like going to school today. Its Saturday and I want to go see my crush at school. I love him so much. I want him dead tomorrow. I laugh at everything. Nothing is ever funny. I cant stop smiling. I cant stop crying. I am going through puberty. Nothings changing. I look good today. Oh gosh, why am I so hideous! I like music. Can you please turn that noise off! Shut up! Why did you stop talking. I hate these shoes. don’t I look hot in these heals? I wanna look like Lady Gaga! No mom, why you did my hair like that, I wanna look like Nicki Minaj! I cant wait to get on the dance floor. I dance like a whore. I dance bad. I have a boyfriend. Now I don’t. my life is great. Turn the darn alarm clock off! I don’t ever want to leave my darkened bedroom. My favorite color is pink. Now its blue. Now its maroon. Now its well whatever I can think of! I have an attitude. I am a sweetheart. I have cramps and I have no life. I’m going see a movie with my friends and I feel great. I’m hungry give me a freaking burger already! Are you crazy! don’t feed me that dead cow! IM ON A GOT DANG DIET! Forget it, I’ll always be fat. I love you ice cream. I hate you scale. I’m so short. Uhg, I’m like the tallest kid in school. I feel insecure. Okay, is she crazy? Who is she kidding? My boobs are way bigger than her’s. I’m a bit of a witch. Did she just say that to me? Its p.e. they say I throw like a girl. I scream “Screw you!” and think “Duh!”
