Saturday, October 3, 2009

UGG, What A Douchebag! - TheStripeChronicles (WELL TECHNICALLY) 100th Post!

You know, he just really doesn't understand me. Sometimes I feel as if he doesn't even know I'm there and that he will only talk to me when he has time. All you ever do is football practice, home, and cause me drama. As if I'm going to sit here and honostly believe you like me that much! You obiviously don't. Ok, your on the phone with these random chicks, hanging around your exs and flirting with them basically and they are always acting stupid with me. One thing i'd never do I fight over a guy and ESPECIALLY not you! Guys fight over me. Now however I'm saying this as if I'm about to stand here and just get over it and not say a word. Well my momma and daddy didn't raise me to where we shut up and don't speak our mind and to where we try I hardest to hold everything in so we don't hurt people's feelings.
ok, so here's the thing your not worth all the drama! And I'm fricking 13! I don't need this. I'm supposed to study, run around, myspace, internet, mall, listen to music, be as free as a bird (or as free as my parents let me be) and I've said this over a zillion times I don't need a boyfriend. I definatly don't need you. Your not even my boyfriend but your always like I'm your boo, calling me bae and baby, and all types of stuff and so I wonder how many other chicks do you say that to?¿? And maybe we don't hang out at school because you actually have a real girlfriend. That's why your "not ready to take that step". And I didn't want another boyfriend until high school and you've been making all these plans and stuff and I don't really like you that much and I'm starting to like him less. I mean I'm not desperate and just being with somebody is not that serious. My mind, I'm not mentally ready or stable to have any type of a so called "relationship". I know this for sure. So I've tried atleast about three times to break it off and he,I think, takes it as a try harder. He's not getting it. And theres a lot of other guys (waaayy hotter than him) who's attention I can get without even trying and who actually does want me and I don't like to be ignored, mislead (is that how you spell it?), and I hate having my time waisted.
I won't be upset if its FINALLY over or atleast I think. And I won't eat cake all day, cry, eat two boxes of soy ice cream, or pizza, or anything so crazy because technically, its no bf/gf stuff its not really a break up, not that serious and I'm SOOOOO BROKE!

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