Friday, October 9, 2009

The Hardest Thing...(At The Moment)

About the hardest thing for me at this very moment is not picking up the phone. Ofcourse I do like him that much and he really isn't cute enough to have the drama I mean NO ONE is. But it drives me nuts that you won't leave me alone and you won't stop texting. You blow up my phone at all hours of the night!
I don't like how you treat my friends badly and you don't like them. I especially hate the way you treat me as if I'm a weirdo... I feel as if you think I'm only worth while when I'm in uniform as a co-captian. I don't need a football player(ESPECIALLY A HORRIBLE IRRRESPONISBLE B-TEAMER SUCH AS YOURSELF)along with a ribbon and a high skirt to feel special and excepted. I don't need someone to up and say I can't be emo or its not normal to be this or abstinent especially if my parents don't make me. Well let me tell you ITS NOT NORMAL TO EVEN BE HAVING ALL THAT SEX IN MIDDLE SCHOOL. If you want to go there I'm not even your girlfriend and I don't feel I should be pressured to do anything even if I was. I have no idea who told you your special but your not!
Back to the story...I hate the way you acted with my sister and even if you knew or not(she looks just like me and people always think shes my mom)you don't act that way! My sister was right she just said it outloud although I was thinking it. You really are a punk-@**-b*t©h! no lie! You want to call yourself a man but just because you got stuff down there (supposly)doesnt make you one. Heck, its the attitude and how oneself acts that they would have earned such a tittle, which you don't diserve or have ever earned! I'm a waaaayyyy better man than you are if you really want to go there! I don't sit there all scared, I stand up for myself, I handle my problems, I don't blow up someones phone and act a fool when they don't answer, I don't act a little itch when my mommy won't let me have my way, and I diffenatly don't lie and say someone calls me their baby, boo, and I don't say I miss you every five seconds to a girl who obiviously doesn't like me or want me. Hey that should sound familiar because I'm the complete opposite of you huh?
Ugg you litterally discust me. You are uttlerly replusing. You lie for unnessary stuff, you can't even take responsibility for your actions, and you probably have some stupid chick on the side with a dumb name that's half of mine!
REMEMBER: you can't boss the boss, you can't sweet talk the devil, you can't out do the over achiever, you can't carry the champ, you can't b*tch the h.b.I.c.,you can't play the player and NEVER EVER CROSS ME!!!!

-----I haven't loss my mind because I never had one to begin with-----

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